
September 10th 2024

Intro, Nine Inch Nails

Im back! After an 8 day hiatus, where I have confined myself away to the corridors of a deep labyrinthine cave, a revelation has come to me. Reptile, by Nine Inch Nails, and its associated album, The Downward Spiral, by Nine Inch Nails, are, to keep it brief; very good. I love this album. It has all the angst a teenager could look for or want! Anyways, while The Downward Spiral is great and I could talk about it for a really long time, I'm going to challenge myself to write about anything else.

identity in the digital age

So instead, im going to talk about identity in the digital age (yes yes I know, fun right?). Theres a question that we have to ask before we talk about identity in the "digital age" which is what is identity before digitalization? I think to achieve understanding beyond surface level we'll have to dive into some philosophy. There's a lot of different ideas about identity in philosophy, so we have to make sure we dont cherrypick OR go too broad with our examination of certain philosophies and the takeaway we can gain from them. We're going to be looking at three sources. First, the stanford encyclopedias entry on personal identity

personal identity according to the minds of stanford