

its 1am when im writing this rant, the perfect time to talk about website building! I know blogs are supposed to have like a specific thought process behind them?But this is, respectfully, a spew of conciousness thats hitting me late at night, and that is really all its going to be. This is maybe my third or fourth website ive "created" although most of that has been copying, stealing, and absolutely mooching off other peoples hard work. The internet offers easily the most unlimited tools of creativity possible. This is restricting! When I have all the keys, I cannot possibly press them all. So what do I do? Work with what I have. I've created a website three or four times, each with different purposes and different styles, all striving for perfection. I think that is a greater expression of my creative pallette and attempts than I could ever put into words however simple it may be. I love to create, but goodness am I bad at it. toodles :)